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Previous projects:
1. Exploring Taipei's eats during my last Taipei trip
2. The "One new dish a day!" project and my review.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sweet potato and millet porridge 地瓜小米粥

Sweet potato and millet porridge 地瓜小米粥
This morning I made a pot of sweet potato and millet porridge using a vacuum/thermal cooker (燜燒鍋), which consists of two parts - a removable pot and a vacuum flask. It was extremely simple. Some sweet potatoes, cut into big chunks, some millet, some rock candies and enough water. Put everything in the removable pot, bring the water to a boil and let it boil for a couple minutes. Then seal the removable pot in the vacuum flask. Two hours later, I got a pot of delicious porridge!

早上我用燜燒鍋做了一鍋地瓜小米粥. 非常簡單. 在燜燒鍋的內鍋裡放一點地瓜塊, 一點小米, 一點冰糖,足夠的水,把水燒開後,滾兩分鐘,再把內鍋放在外鍋裡,把內外鍋的蓋子都蓋好. 兩個鐘頭後,就是一鍋好吃的地瓜小米粥!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

香港鑫華茶餐廳 (2)

前幾天我們又到了生意興旺香港鑫華茶餐廳,發現他們的芝麻糊奶酪超好吃的! 熱的芝麻糊配上冰的奶酪,吃到嘴裡,妙不可言.

芝麻糊奶酪 - 超好吃的!

地址: 台北市金華街126-1號
電話: (02)2391-2022

Sunday, April 3, 2011

蒜苔 Garlic Scapes

過年期間一次聚餐時,有人帶來一盤炒蒜苔, 很好吃. 原以為是蒜苗, 我到樓下的黃昏市場探問的結果,發現是蒜苔 - 蒜的花莖. 賣菜的李小姐教我要把根部老的部分以及花苞以下的部分摘除. 我買了兩次,一次清炒,一次加了點臘味炒,都非常好吃. 不過胃不適合吃蒜的朋友們要注意,雖然蒜苔的蒜味較淡,還是不宜多吃.

At one of our Chinese New Year celebration dinners, someone brought a dish of sautéed garlic scapes, which was very delicious. At first I thought it was young garlic plants that we were eating. When I went to the afternoon vegetable market downstairs, I learned it was the garlic scapes - the flower stems. Ms. Lee, the market owner, taught me how to prepare the scapes - remove both the tough end and the other end from right above the flower bud. I cooked garlic scapes twice. Once I sautéed the garlic scape alone. The other time I sautéed it with Chinese sausages. Garlic scapes tasted delicious both ways. A note of caution: if too much garlic will upset your stomach, it’ll be a good idea to eat the garlic scape in moderation, even though the garlic scape tastes a lot milder than garlic.

蒜苔 Garlic Scapes
蒜苔Garlic scapes

臘味炒蒜苔 Sautéed garlic scapes flavored with Chinese sausages