"每天做一個新菜"的計劃已在九月十四號,我們返台的前夕結束了.在這計劃進行的37天裡,我一共發表了49道從未在此博格發表過的素菜.在這期間,我做 的菜可不止於這49道呢,有時我會重複做發表過的菜,除非我改了做法,否則我就不再提. 有時我會做葷菜, 葷菜我也暫時不在此博格發表. 我覺得"每天做一個新菜"很令人興奮,是很好玩的經驗.
"每天做一個新菜"的計劃剛開始時,我原想做一個月就打住,可是太好玩了,我延了 一個禮拜,直到我要返台時,必須停下. 原來我為了素食的小兒子,想每天做一個蛋白質豐富的新素菜,可是這段期間,他不常在家吃飯,也不通知我他是否在家吃飯,結果往往我做了一道蛋白質豐富的新 素菜,足夠我和先生吃上好幾天,再加上先生是肉食者,每天至少得做一個葷菜.所以每天缺的多半不是蛋白質豐富的素菜, 而是纖維豐富的蔬菜,這是為什麼我發表的新素菜裡很多是纖維豐富的蔬菜.
現 在我到了台北,在未來的這個月裡,我將談談我在台北每天怎麼準備三餐.這裡很熱,我的廚房又沒冷氣,所以我一定會充分利用我們住宅附近許多好吃的熟食店, 在這裡準備三餐,一定會簡單些,我大約只須走出去買一兩個主菜,自己再做一兩個蔬菜就好了. 我想在台北的每天三餐,可能和我在美國做的三餐差不多一樣好吃. 我只須要小心的選擇健康的菜色.
The "One new dish a day!" project has ended on September 14, 2010, the day before my trip to Taipei. I published 49 dishes that I cooked while this project was running from August 9 through September 14. Those 49 dishes were not the only dishes I made during the 37-day period. They were the new vegetarian dishes - new to this blog. It was a very exciting and fun experience for me.
At the beginning of the "One new dish a day!" project, I planned to run the project for a month. However, I loved the daily excitement of thinking up what to cook for the day and enjoyed the cooking and the blogging so much that I extended the project for a week until I had to stop because of my travel plan. Also, originally I planned to cook and publish mainly vegetarian dishes rich in proteins, for the sake of my youngest son, who is a vegetarian. However during the 37-day period, he wasn't eating at home most of the time and wouldn't usually tell me when he'd eat in or out. The result was that each protein-rich vegetarian dish that I cooked would last a couple days for my husband and me. Plus my husband, who is not a vegetarian and probably will never be one, demands to have every day at least one dish rich in proteins from a non-vegetarian source of any kind. Therefore what we lacked every day was not the protein-rich vegetarian dish, but the fresh vegetable rich in fibers. This is why many of my dishes published during this project turned out to be just vegetables rich in fibers.
During the later part of the project, I started to look into simple, healthy and delicious breakfasts for my youngest son . I explored only a couple and will continue to explore in this area in the future.
Now that I am in Taipei, for the next month, I will write about how I prepare our daily meals in Taipei. Since it is hot here and there is no air conditioning in my Taipei kitchen, I will definitely take advantage of the abundance of well-prepared, tasty food around our neighborhood. For sure the preparation of our daily meals on my part will be a lot simpler. Perhaps most of the time I will just go out and buy a couple main entrees and cook a couple vegetable dishes. I expect that our daily meals in Taipei should be about as delicious as my own cooking. The only challenge for me is perhaps to pick the healthy choices.
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