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Previous projects:
1. Exploring Taipei's eats during my last Taipei trip
2. The "One new dish a day!" project and my review.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Porridge made with beef soup

牛肉湯粥 Porridge made with beef soup

Ingredients: make two servings
  1. Soup from "Braised beef with soup, cooked using a thermal cooker", 1 cup
  2. Water, 2 cups
  3. Rice, cooked, 1.5 cups
  4. Beef from "Braised beef with soup, cooked using a thermal cooker", 6 pieces
  5. Green vegetables, cooked, 1 cup
  1. Heat the soup, the water and the rice in a pot; boil for a couple minutes; turn off the stove; cover; wait until ready to cook;
  2. Bring the rice and soup mixture to a boil and add more water if necessary
  3. Add the beef and the green vegetables into the rice and soup mixture; bring to a boil again; cover; turn off the heat and leave the pot on the hot stove for 3 minutes;
  4. The beef and the vegetables should be warm enough and the porridge is ready.

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