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Previous projects:
1. Exploring Taipei's eats during my last Taipei trip
2. The "One new dish a day!" project and my review.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Steamed sea bass, miso-flavored 蒸桂花魚,味曾口味

Steamed sea bass, miso-flavored 蒸桂花魚,味曾口味
  • Miso, 2 Tablespoon
  • Shaoxing wine, 1/2 cup
  • Sea bass steak,one piece
  • Green onions,3
  • Ginger, 6 slices
  • Sugar, some, optional
  • A celery stalk or a couple cabbage leaves (optional)
  • Water, 1/4 cup (skip this, if you choose the oven method)
Stove top method
  1. Mix miso with wine to form a thick paste and apply the paste on both sides of the fish steak. Optionally you may sprinkle some sugar over the fish.
  2. Put the fish steak (on top of a celery stalk or a couple cabbage leaves, if you choose to,) in a stainless steel pot with a cover. Spread the green onions and ginger slices evenly over the fish steak. Add the water to the pot (not directly over the fish).
  3. Cover and bring to a boil. Turn the heat a little lower and cook for 15 minutes. Don't let the water dry up; add more water, if needed.
Oven method
This is a worry-free method. That is, you don't have to worry about fish burning on the stove top. However it takes a little longer to cook the fish.
  1. Follow the first two steps of the "stove top method", but skip the water.
  2. Put the covered pot in an oven and bake at 450°F for 25 minutes.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner 感恩節素席

In the past I had always roasted a turkey on Thanksgiving day each year. I didn't roast a turkey this year, since my elder son didn't come home to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. Instead I prepared a vegetarian Thanksgiving feast for just three of us - my husband, my younger son and myself. The feast included Tofurky roast and gravy, stuffing, green beans, Brussels sprouts , sweet potatoes, white rice, vegetarian fried rice and taro walnut bread. The dinner was very satisfying.
Our first vegetarian Thanksgiving feast!

Tofurky roast is unexpectedly delicious! My husband, who doesn't want to become a vegetarian yet, declared that he could have Tofurky roast, instead of turkey, on Thanksgiving in the future.
Tofurky roast

Chestnut stuffing - was based on a Martha Stewart recipe. This was a great way to use up my stash of frozen breads. I also used the vegetable broth that I had made yesterday in this stuffing.
Chestnut stuffing

Green beans with walnuts was based on a recipe in the "The Culinary Institute of America's Gourmet Meals in Minutes", p. 287. I overcooked the green beans a bit.
Green beans with walnuts

Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin - a Trader Joe's product.
Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin

Taro walnut bread 芋頭核桃蛋糕
Taro walnut bread 芋頭核桃蛋糕

Taro walnut bread 芋頭核桃蛋糕

Taro walnut bread 芋頭核桃蛋糕 Taro walnut bread 芋頭核桃蛋糕
I made this delicious taro walnut bread according to Mark Bittman's vegetable-and-nut bread recipe. In the past I had made a sweet potato nut bread 甜薯核桃蛋糕 according to the same recipe.

I love to warm the bread in a microwave oven before eating it, since the distinct taro taste and smell is strongest only when it is warm .

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mushrooms and Chinese cabbage stew 香菇燉白菜

Mushrooms and Chinese cabbage stew 香菇燉白菜 - very delicious!
Mushrooms and Chinese cabbage stew 香菇燉白菜
As the soup base for this dish, I used the vegetable broth that I had made from several kinds of vegetables . I cooked this dish for 30 minutes and thickened the liquid with some corn starch. I could have added some milk and sugar and turn this dish into a creaming cabbage stew (奶油白菜).

Shredded dry tofu salad 拌干絲
I boiled each ingredients in water briefly before mixing them with salt and sesame oil. I added some cilantro to give this dish a more sophisticated taste.

Cauliflower florets sauteed with shallots and garlic 炒菜花 - a makeover from yesterday's dish.
Sauteed Cauliflower florets sauteed with shallots and garlic 炒菜花
Today, I cooked the cauliflower florets, which had been already cooked, however, not softened enough yet, for about another 20 minutes. The flavor of shallots and garlic finally soaked into the florets.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Delicious vegetarian fried rice 素炒飯

Almost every dish I made today was extremely delicious! I'm not sure it was my extremely good appetite or my excellent cooking skills. This vegetarian fried rice was so delicious that it was very hard for me to stop at one cup. I ended up eating one and a half cups. I had added eggs, dry tofu, walnuts, onions, peas, and carrots to the rice. I meant to add some sesame oil; however I forgot. Given that this dish is already this delicious, I doubt that anything else including the sesame oil can make it better.
Vegetarian fried rice 素炒飯

I made cauliflower (菜花) for a vegetable side dish. I steamed and then tossed the cauliflower florets with oil and preserved vegetables (榨菜). I could have cooked the cauliflower a little longer and let the flavor soak into the cauliflower florets.
Cauliflower florets 菜花

For another vegetable side dish, I broiled 4 Dr. Praeger's Tex Mex Veggie Burgers. (Sorry, there is no picture for the veggie burgers.) These burgers tasted really good too.

For desserts, I made a papaya smoothie for myself; and a pear-kiwi smoothie for my husband. Wow, my papaya smoothie was heavenly delicious! My husband loved his pear-kiwi smoothie very much too.

Papaya smoothie was made of 1 cup of milk and 2/3 cup of frozen papaya cubes.
Papaya smoothie

Pear-kiwi smoothie was made of 2/3 cups of milk, 1 ripe Anjou pear and 1 ripe kiwi.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Drunken chicken soup noodles

This is a way to make good use of the wine sauce, a delicious leftover from the effortless drunken chicken. It is very easy. Basically I cook each ingredient separately and then combine all. Usually I would dilute the wine sauce with an equal volume of water.


  1. Noodles, any type, cooked, 2 cups
  2. Chinese broccoli seedlings, steamed or boiled, 6-8
  3. Bean sprouts, steamed or boiled, 1cup
  4. Effortless druncken chicken, 4-6 pieces
  5. Wine sauce from Effortless druncken chicken, 1 cup
  6. Water,1 cup

  1. Boil the water; add chicken and wine sauce; bring to a boil again; remove from the stove immediately;
  2. Evenly divide each ingredient into 2 big bowls; serve two.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010



牛肉餡餅 - 牛肉餡多汁,很細緻好吃.

花素蒸餃 - 餡很蓬鬆,也很細緻好吃.

地址: 台北市大安區東豐街33號

元樂的酒味鳳梨酥 - 值得一試!

我最愛有酒味的甜點.有一天路過元樂新生門市部時,看到他們有酒味的鳳梨酥,就走了進去.發現他們的鳳梨酥有四種口味: 紅酒,白蘭地,紅酒加玫瑰,白蘭地加玫瑰, 我各買了一個,回家嚐了之後,覺得確實是和普通的鳳梨酥不一樣,非常好吃.當然我後來又去了兩次.我的朋友們,如果你們還沒嚐過元樂的酒味鳳梨酥,值得一試!

地址: 台北市大安區新生南路一段95號
電話: (02) 8772-3536

Sunday, November 14, 2010

聖瑪莉 (SunMerry) 的墨魚洋芋培根麵包


聖瑪莉 (SunMerry) 的墨魚洋芋培根麵包

橫切面 -白色的部分是洋芋,紅色的是培根
聖瑪莉 (SunMerry) 的墨魚洋芋培根麵包

縱切面 -白色的部分是洋芋,紅色的是培根
聖瑪莉 (SunMerry) 的墨魚洋芋培根麵包



草菩提的綜合素拌麵 草菩提

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chef Fu's vegetable stew

This dish turned out very delicious.
Chef Fu's vegetable stew 傅大廚的燉蔬菜
  1. Radishes, cut into chunks, 1 cup
  2. Carrots, cut into chunks, 1 cup
  3. Oyster mushrooms, 1 cup
  4. Fried tofu, 1 cup
  5. Water, 2 cups
  1. Boil oyster mushrooms in water for 30 minutes;
  2. Add radish chunks to broth and continue to cook for 10 minutes;
  3. Add carrot chunks and fried tofu to broth and continue to cook for 3 minutes;
  4. Adjust taste with salt.

Monday, November 8, 2010


我的朋友們,回台灣時,一定要試試春天素食 - 吃到飽的自助餐廳! 他們的菜色豐富,有歐洲口味的,有中國口味的,也有日式的素生魚片,有冷盤沙拉,養生湯,傳統中國菜,炒飯,炒米紛,點心等等. 他們的菜的味道也做得非常好. 來春天素食吃飯,一定要有計劃,先看看各種菜色,決定吃那種口味之後, 可以替自己設計一份包含養生湯,沙拉,開胃前菜,主菜,甜點,水果和果汁的套餐. 這樣一定會吃得滿意. 來這兒吃飯,最怕是沒計劃,很有可能會吃得過多,也很可能會吃得不滿意.




Saturday, November 6, 2010


富順樓是一家老牌的北平餐館, 正宗的北平菜味道非常好,價錢更好。



地址: 台北市信義區光復南路443巷2號1樓

Friday, November 5, 2010


龍翔園的菜味道非常好,價錢也非常好, 我們三人點了四個菜,送一碗湯,大約每人NT$375. 剩了很多菜,再來三個人,也夠.



地址: 台北市四維路十號B1
電話: (02) 2705-2899

Thursday, November 4, 2010


榮榮園的生意非常好,我們是個星期四晚上去的,居然客滿, 好在我們預先訂了位. 榮榮園的菜味道很好,印象中價碼不定,有時合理,有時偏高,可能和選的菜有關.這次我們點了六個菜,三個小菜,送一盤臭豆腐,大約每人NT$620.



地址: 台北市大安區信義路四段25號2樓(近捷運大安站).
電話: (02)2703-8822

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Porridge made with beef soup

牛肉湯粥 Porridge made with beef soup

Ingredients: make two servings
  1. Soup from "Braised beef with soup, cooked using a thermal cooker", 1 cup
  2. Water, 2 cups
  3. Rice, cooked, 1.5 cups
  4. Beef from "Braised beef with soup, cooked using a thermal cooker", 6 pieces
  5. Green vegetables, cooked, 1 cup
  1. Heat the soup, the water and the rice in a pot; boil for a couple minutes; turn off the stove; cover; wait until ready to cook;
  2. Bring the rice and soup mixture to a boil and add more water if necessary
  3. Add the beef and the green vegetables into the rice and soup mixture; bring to a boil again; cover; turn off the heat and leave the pot on the hot stove for 3 minutes;
  4. The beef and the vegetables should be warm enough and the porridge is ready.


銀翼沒有電梯,再加上印象中總覺得他們的價碼較高, 所以我們好久沒去.這次去用午餐,發現他們的樓梯沒那麼可怕,菜的味道很好,價錢也很合理,只可惜我們晚上有應酬,同去的朋友們味口也不大,叫的菜不多.


TEL: (02) 2341-7799

Monday, November 1, 2010



鹹魚蒸肉餅飯 NT$90

地址: 台北市金華街126-1號
電話: (02)2391-2022

Braised beef with soup, cooked using a thermal cooker

A thermal cooker is also called a vacuum cooker. Beef cooked using a thermal cooker is very tender and, however, keeps its flavor. This recipe generates about 3 cups of beef soup which is also very delicious . The beef and soup may be served with noodles. I would like to point out one bad thing about this dish. That is, it is so delicious that one cannot stop at just eating one or two pieces.
紅燒牛肉麵 Braised beef with noodles
  1. Beef shanks, about 2 pounds, cut into slices of 1.5 inches in thickness.
  2. Shaoxing rice wine, 1/2 cup
  3. Ginger, 6 slices
  4. Plum tomatoes, 3, diced
  5. Green onions, 2
  6. Salt, 1 Tablespoon
  7. Sugar, 1 Tablespoon
  8. Water, 3 cups
  1. Boil beef in water for 5 minutes;
  2. Transfer beef into the removable pot of a vacuum cooker;
  3. Reserve the water and remove the foam on top;
  4. Add all other ingredients and the reserved water to the removable pot with the beef;
  5. Place the removable pot on stove and boil the beef mixture for 5 minutes, partially covered;
  6. Place the removable pot into the vacuum flask;
  7. Wait for an hour;
  8. Take the removable pot out of the vacuum flask;
  9. Place the removable pot on stove and boil the beef mixture again for 5 minutes, partially covered;
  10. Place the removable pot back into the vacuum flask again;
  11. Wait for another hour, the beef should be ready.